I just wanted to do a quickie little write-up of this song – there were so many little details in both the arrangement and the performance of this song that absolutely captivated me, and I wanted to jot them down, almost in piecemeal point form, to share with you all.
The opening sound effect is reminiscent of wind whistling through a ghost town…a perfect way to start the song off with a feeling of desolation. [des-o-la-tion, noun: anguished misery or loneliness.] It made my little music nerdy heart happiest, though, to hear that the pitch of the wind whistling was the same pitch as the key of the song.
In the hums
The backing instrumentation
The super distorted Muse-esque guitar/keyboard at
Also at 1:35, there is an extra pulse in the backing vocals on the word “gone,” sounding like he is literally crying out.
There is more white space in between the backing vocals at
I love how the song doesn’t end all together. Each sound/instrument ends slightly off from each other. Just like the singer of the song seems to be slowly coming undone, so is the ending of the song.